
What to Expect After Weight Loss Surgery

- If you're getting ready to undergo weight loss surgery, you're probably anticipating the results.

What to Expect After Weight Loss Surgery

If you're getting ready to undergo weight loss surgery, you're probably anticipating the results.

You can expect to lose a significant amount of weight. If you have a weight-related medical condition, such as type 2 diabetes or sleep apnea, it is possible that your condition will improve. And almost everyone who has weight loss surgery (95% of them) says their quality of life improves.

How Much Weight Will You Lose?

Inquire with your doctor about the specifics. It may be determined in part by your current weight and the type of surgery you receive.

Sleeve gastrectomy is becoming more popular as a method of weight loss surgery. People who have a sleeve gastrectomy lose approximately 40% of their excess weight.

People who undergo gastric bypass surgery typically lose 60% of their excess weight.

Gastric banding is no longer a common weight loss procedure.

Many people's weight loss fluctuates over months, dropping, then leveling off, then dropping again. Depending on the procedure, you may continue to lose weight for up to two or three years after surgery. Many people's weight loss fluctuates over months, dropping, then leveling off, then dropping again. Depending on the procedure, you may continue to lose weight for up to two or three years after surgery.

What Will the Recovery Be Like?

The majority of gastric bypass surgeries are laparoscopic, which means the surgeon makes small incisions. As a result, recovery time is reduced. Most people stay in the hospital for two to three days before returning to normal activities in three to five weeks.

Healing takes longer if the surgery must be "open," which requires the surgeon to make a larger cut.

What Are the Possible Side Effects?

Weight loss surgery may result in both short-term and long-term complications. The long-term risks of surgery vary depending on the procedure. Around 40% of people experience some kind of complication. Only about 5% have serious complications. If you have any concerns, make an appointment with your doctor.


The following are some common side effects:

  • Constipation is a common side effect of weight loss surgery. Your doctor will be able to advise you on how to proceed. Granular fiber (Metamucil or psyllium) should be avoided because it can cause obstructions.
  • Dumping syndrome occurs after consuming high-sugar meals following weight loss surgery. Sodas and fruit juices are frequently to blame. Sugary foods rush through the stomach, causing nausea, vomiting, and weakness.
  • When you lose a lot of weight quickly, gallstones are common. After gastric bypass surgery, up to 50% of patients will develop gallstones, which are usually harmless. Gallstones can occasionally cause nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain. After gastric bypass surgery, 15% to 25% of people require gallbladder removal surgery.
  • Wound infections can occur up to three weeks following surgery. Redness and warmth, pain, and thick drainage (pus) from the surgical wound are all symptoms. Wound infections necessitate antibiotics and, in some cases, additional surgery.

Serious side effects include:

  • Stool bleeding, which can manifest as reddish or black stools, can be dangerous. Inform your doctor right away, or go to the emergency room.
  • Blood clots in the lungs are extremely rare, occurring less than 1% of the time. They are potentially fatal. Blood clots, on the other hand, are usually preventable with blood thinning medications and regular activity.
  • Leaks in the new connections formed by weight loss surgery are uncommon but serious. They usually happen within 5 days of surgery. Common symptoms include abdominal pain and feeling ill.

Also, you may notice that your skin is sagging. You may choose to get surgery to remove it.

What Are Some Health Benefits?

The health benefits of gastric bypass or other types of weight loss surgery are often immediate. For example, your diabetes may significantly improve. High blood pressure, arthritis, sleep apnea, high cholesterol, and other conditions may be affected in the same way.


If you want to have obesity surgery at Deva Hospital, you can contact us.