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Varicose Veins Treatment


Varicose Veins Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

On the legs and feet, varicose veins are aberrant, swollen, and twisted blood vessels. They could result in pain, irritation, ulcers, and blood clots if ignored.

What are Varicose Veins?

Blood vessels directly below the skin develop into bigger, twisted, bulging, increasingly apparent, and bluish or dark purple in hue varicose veins or varicosis. Usually, the feet and legs are affected by the illness. Twenty percent of adults experience it, and as people get older, it gets more prevalent. Varicose veins affect one in every two people after the age of 50. Varicosis is more common in women, overweight persons, and people who must stand motionless or sit at a desk for lengthy periods of time.

A less severe kind of varicose veins are spider veins. These are capillary varices, which typically have a diameter of less than 1 mm and are colored red. On the skin's surface, they could resemble a spider web.

What Causes Varicose Veins?

When the tiny valve inside stops functioning properly, a varicose vein begins to form. Blood is not adequately pumped to the heart; as a result, it builds up inside the vein and further distorts the valve. The vein grows and becomes visible as a result of the increased pressure weakening the vessel's wall. There is varicosis.

Varicose veins may develop as a result of the estrogen hormone relaxing the walls of the veins. Because of this, women are more likely to have the illness. Pregnancy and the use of birth control tablets both have the potential to cause enlarged blood vessels. Those who have a family member with varicosis are at a higher risk. Sedentary behavior, being overweight, being in a heated environment, constipation, and wearing accessories like knee braces, knee bands, or high-heeled shoes are risk factors.

Varicose Veins Symptoms

The most frequent complaint is a decline in the appearance of the legs because swollen veins have a characteristic appearance. In addition to the visible aspect, common signs and symptoms of varicose veins include:

  • Leg heaviness or soreness that gradually worsens throughout the day
  • Leg swelliness that began in the evening and persisted throughout the day.
  • Venous hypertension brought on by a buildup of blood in the leg causes night cramps
  • Warmth, throbbing, burning, or itching in the leg
  • Legs that have minor bumps or spontaneously develop bruising
  • Ankle-area brownish-purple patches and skin discolouration
  • Leg or ankle injuries that take a while to recover
  • Sometimes the image is accompanied by restless legs syndrome.

The signs and symptoms of varicose veins can differ from person to person. Typically, they intensify with warmer temperatures or prolonged periods of inactivity.

Varicose Veins Stages

To assess the issue and choose the best varicose veins treatment, doctors use the common CEAP scale. Following are the stages' classifications:

  • C0 – No visible and palpable signs of venous disease
  • C1 -Telangiectasies (spider veins) or reticular veins have started
  • C2 – Large venous varicose veins now appear
  • C3 – Swelling in the feet and ankles (edema)
  • C4a – Discoloration of the feet
  • C4b – Skin changes and partial collapse
  • C5 – Healed wounds
  • C6 – Active varicose wounds that have not healed

Early on, lifestyle modifications include a balanced diet, consistent exercise, and compression stockings can reduce the symptoms of varicose veins.

When to Worry About Varicose Veins?

Varicose veins are a common ailment that, for the majority of people, only affects appearance. However, if you've been exhibiting unfavorable signs like discomfort, edema, or skin discoloration, see a doctor for a checkup. Remember that your risk of problems increases the longer you live with this condition.

Are Varicose Veins Dangerous?

One of the most frequently disregarded illnesses by both doctors and patients is varicosis. Until it becomes serious, it is usually disregarded. The issue of varicose veins extends far beyond aesthetics. Leaking valves may result in thrombophlebitis (vein clotting and inflammation) if left untreated. This disorder can cause clot rupture, pulmonary embolism, vascular occlusions, and respiratory failure, including death.

Varicose Veins Surgery Treatment

Nowadays, minimally invasive techniques are used to treat varicose veins instead of open surgery. Some of them don't require a hospital stay because they are done as outpatient treatments. Better cosmetic outcomes are achieved at DEVA Hospital with optimum patient comfort thanks to new techniques used.

A Vascular Surgery expert will assess the patient and locate the varicose's source locations to determine the best course of action. The best method for identifying varicose veins and observing blood flow through valves is color Doppler ultrasound. Assessment of which vessels require intervention is aided by vessel mapping. The physician might advise surgery or other therapies based on these findings. These could consist of:

  • Endovenous Laser Ablation (EVLA). With a thin catheter that emits laser radiation from the inside, the varicose vein is sealed off in this procedure. The patient can walk right away following the surgery, which is one of this method's most significant benefits. Success rates might range from 94 to 99 percent.
  • Ablation with Endovenous Radiofrequency (EVRF). Although the vessel is sealed with a different energy, the method is comparable to the laser operation. A small radiofrequency catheter is introduced into the vein, and after applying 120 °C radiation, the leakage point is sealed. In this region, no exterior surgical incision is done. All procedures are carried out subcutaneously with ultrasonography as the guiding force.
  • Embolization with adhesive agents (Bioglue). One of the most recent techniques used nowadays to treat varicose veins is the use of adhesive substances (Cyanoacrylate). Under ultrasound supervision, the bioglue adhesive is very carefully injected into the vein that is leaking. The vessel is forced to attach to itself for a period of time (1-3 minutes). The result is visible right away without any cuts or sutures being used.
  • Removal of varicose veins with a mini-incision (Miniflebectomy). This approach, which can be used alone or in conjunction with other operations, enables the excision of varicose clusters that protrude via extremely tiny pinholes. These holes are just patched with cosmetic tapes rather than being stitched up. The puncture entirely heals in about a week.
  • Sclerotherapy. By injecting sclerosant medication into the varicose veins with extremely thin needles, this treatment seeks to dry them out. The body gradually dissolves and eliminates the blocked vein. For best outcomes, the technique necessitates compression on the troubled site for at least two to three days. Within 4-6 weeks, the effectiveness of sclerotherapy treatment is apparent. The number of sessions may vary depending on the circumstances. Microsclerotherapy is the term used to describe the use of sclerotherapy to very small vessels. For best results, it needs specialized tools like magnifiers and needles, as well as an experienced doctor.